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One of the most powerful moments of truth described by Charles Van Engen in his thought-provoking book God’s Missionary People is that “the role of the local church in the world is that of the apostolic Church, receiving, guided, and simulating the mission of Jesus.”

The mission of the church is to continue the ministry of Jesus. We have a ministry like this because we just started the ministry of Jesus. Jesus made it very clear that he expected his followers to continue the ministry that he began after his ascension to heaven. “… As the Father sent me. In the same way I send you "(John 20:21).

Before that, he told his disciples: “... whoever believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do, and he will do more than these; because I am going to My Father. And if you ask the Father anything in my name, I will do that the Father may be glorified in the Son ”(John 14: 12-13).

What was Jesus doing? All that he highlighted in his kingdom manifesto in Luke 4. Matthew 4: 23,24 also describes the components of Jesus' ministry: people. And there was a rumor about Him throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all the weak, possessed by various diseases and seizures, and the possessed, and the lunatics, and the paralyzed, and He healed them. "

Thus, we copy not only the ministry of Jesus by preaching and teaching and fellowship, but also ministry through works of deliverance and healing and pastoral care.

I have found that when the great commission is presented simply as an extension of Jesus' ministry and mission — wherever we are — it is much easier to motivate people. The discipleship process involves much more than calling people to make decisions for Christ. It starts with a decision; but decisions that lead to discipleship are as much as a wedding leads to marriage.

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