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Introduction: In the Scriptures, it seems that God has a special place in his heart for the poor. Poverty is mentioned, directly or indirectly, more than 2000 times in the Bible.

The Vineyard family of churches leans toward the poor, the outcast, and the outsider with the compassion of Jesus. From the beginning of our movement, Vineyard churches have worked to actively serve the poor in the most practical ways possible – in our towns, cities, and spheres of influence. John Wimber, the founder of the Vineyard, was personally committed to calling us to a radically compassionate life in the way of Jesus.

Focus on how your church and individuals care for the poor

Invite in someone from your Compassion Ministry to share about how your church cares for the poor. Allow time for questions and encourage your group to get involved in some way, either by joining a team, spreading the word, praying for them or helping resource them.

Encourage your group to read the booklet or read the chapter in this book entitled ‘Remember the Poor’.

Questions for discussion

Study the section and the verses on what Jesus said about the poor.

•What are the ways in which Jesus calls us to care for the poor?

•What are the ways in which you see the outworking of this in your life, your church and in the Vineyard? •Encourage the group to share stories of ways in which they have cared for the poor.

•Are there things about caring for the poor that you find challenging? What are they and what are the ways you would like to grow in this?

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