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Kremenchuk Vineyard

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The various programs and ministries you will find in our church show our dedication to the basics of the Christian faith: worship, Bible study, fellowship, doing good, and spreading the gospel. We are happy to invite you to our church, where you can feel accepted and loved no matter what stage of your life you are at.


Who we are

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Alexander Goncharenko


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Kremenchuk team

Worship Team

Виноградник Кременчук

Виноградник Кременчук

Проповідь 07.08.2021 "Віра" 2 частина, Олександр Гончаренко

Проповідь 10.07.2021 " Віра" Олександр Гончаренко

"Сімейні стосунки 6" - Проповідь зібрання 03.07.2021

Church Windows


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